For 9 years we helped businesses streamline their workflows. We are a value-drive technology company that is focused on delivering their client’s needs.



PO Box 321, Island Heights, NJ 08732

+1 -732-930-0093


Let’s us know how WorkFlow Prodigy can help. Contact us at (732) 930-0093 or

Read Most Frequent Questions

What is a workflow?

A workflow is a repeatable pattern of activities and steps for the most successful completion of a
project or task. Sounds like a mouthful, right? To put it more simply — a workflow is a process of steps you take to get the job done.

Everyone already has a workflow, whether they know it or not. But not everyone is operating with the most productive and efficient workflow possible. We focus on workflow because we feel that having a tight, data-driven process of operation can elevate businesses towards greater heights of of achievement and growth. 

What is a prodigy?

A prodigy is a young person who has an innate and extraordinary talent or skill. But age is irrelevant. Workflow Prodigy is made up of computer-lovers of all ages and backgrounds who are masters at problem solving — prodiges of technology.

Where do you host your software?

Our custom software is hosted on Amazon Cloud E2C servers. These servers are secure, scalable, and allow for total control over computing and programming resources. We find that cloud-based software offers our clients the best possible flexibility and security, allowing them to take business wherever this crazy world moves them.

Do you offer support for learning our new software?

Absolutely. Workflow Prodigy doesn’t charge fees for technical support or training. We know that getting used to a new platform can be tricky — even if you helped design it! We offer support for customization and trouble tickets by phone, email, text, or our in-app instant messenger. Then, our conveniently centralized support system keeps you updated about the status of your ticket or customization request.

What’s the timeline on developing a custom web app?

Every project timeline is different depending on the specifications. Typically, the process of building custom SaaS has typically taken months. However we use an accelerated development process that reduces the time to completion down to weeks or even days. At Workflow Prodigy, we work with our clients in order to create a realistic timeline that gets their custom software up and running as soon as possible.

If you’re curious to get an idea of your project timeline, contact us and tell us about your project needs.

Will I own my app?

You can if you want to. We can arrange all types of ownership deals and rights of software according to our client’s preferences.

Transform your workflow with the experts at Workflow Prodigy.

Curious to know if we’re a good fit? Request a demo, or contact us to talk about your project needs today.